Reshaping the pupil when torn or damaged, to make is round.
Some of the iris can be lost from injuries and large tears. This is a cosmetic problem but also causes extra light to enter the eye causing glare and reducing vision. The pupil can be repaired to make it a round shape. An artificial iris can also be inserted into the eye to cover the defect.
Repair of Acquired or Congenital Coloboma
Reshaping the pupil when part is missing due to a birth defect.
Defects in the iris can cause the pupil to be misshapen, this is called coloboma. Treatment can help to improve the shape. Or an artificial iris of the matched colour to the other eye can be inserted to cover the defect.
Aniridia Lens Implant
Placement of a new iris (pupil) when the colour of the eye (iris) is lost due to absence at birth or after injury.
The iris and pupil can be lost through injury, surgery and birth issues. These eyes can be helped through the insertion of a special lens called the aniridia lens. This comes in many different colours which the individual can choose. When one eye is affected a photographically matched iris can be specially made and inserted into the affected eye.
If you are looking for an eye surgeon in Nottingham, Mansfield or Derby, please get in touch to book an appointment with Dr. Said at Vision and Sight Services and find out more about iris treatments.